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“Family Guy” nod to Sandra’s “Everlasting Love” music video

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Before I begin, I just want to point out that this is not a panel from any boards that are currently being worked on for “Family Guy.” I repeat, this is not a panel from any boards that are currently being worked on for “Family Guy.” I’m talking to YOU, Human Resources at Fox TV Animation, or whoever is in charge of making sure that no pre-production work gets leaked to the general public. I assure you, the secrets of our studio are safe.

Now that that’s out of the way, the music video for “Everlasting Love” by Sandra is an exercise in lighthearted fun. There’s no real plot behind it, just Sandra and her lover dressing up in different costumes while singing and dancing to Sandra’s remake of Robert Knight’s hit from 1968. As I was watching it earlier today, I was reminded of the “Family Guy” season seven episode “Peter’s Progress,” where Lois Griffin goes through several wardrobe changes throughout the episode. Naturally, inspiration was found for the above sketch of Lois and Peter parodying one of the 1930s mobster scenes from the video. Nothing serious or anything. Just me having fun.

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