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“Family Guy” goes to see “The Dark Knight Rises”: a photo essay

Last Friday, July 20, the “Family Guy” crew hit up Pacific Theatres at the Grove for the 8:30 showing of “The Dark Knight Rises.” Some photos from the event:

The crew, minus assistant director Mark Covell, who totally ninja’d his way out of this photo like the closet ninja he is. Back row (left to right): Pete Michels, Michael Upperco, Brent Crowe, Jason Weitzner, Shannon Smith, some friend of Shannon’s, Anjel Shehigian, Antonio’s girlfriend, Antonio Torres, and one of the newest members of the crew whom I don’t know anything about, except that she really loves fig trees. Middle row (left to right): me, Helen Kim, Joe Vaux, Jaydi Samuels, Chris Martin, Bao Nguyen, and Bao’s girlfriend. Front and center: the all-powerful Peter Shin.

Me, my cubemate Helen, and Jason seated in row K, seats 19, 20, and 21.

Assistant director/director duo Bao and Pete sat right in front of us.

Lastly, about a week before the movie, Shannon e-mailed us this seating chart to inform the crew that there were still a few seats available. The “I can’t wait to meet him” bit for the random guy who would be surrounded by all of us cracks me up. I don’t think he showed up, though. Drag…

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