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Neon Nightmare

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Holy smokes! It’s been four years since my last post. Been meaning to post here on a regular basis again. Just one day a week to get back in the flow of things. I figure now would be a good time since I did some art and animation-related stuff last weekend. The stuff in question was the Neon Nightmare art show at the Titmouse Burbank studio on the eve of… Read More »Neon Nightmare

Family Guy veterans Kara Vallow and Mike Elias among this year’s Annie Award nominees

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Congratulations to Family Guy veterans Kara Vallow and Mike Elias on their Annie Award nominations! Kara has been nominated for Outstanding Achievement in Production Design in an Animated TV/Broadcast Production for her work on Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey
. She is responsible for developing and producing the unique animation style for the historical reenactments of the show. Best known as the executive producer/producer on Family Guy and American Dad!, and with… Read More »Family Guy veterans Kara Vallow and Mike Elias among this year’s Annie Award nominees

CTN 2013 and 2014: a photo essay

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For this photo essay, we’re flashing back to 2013, back to my very first experience at CTN Expo, where I spent most of it working at my cubemate and co-worker David Boudreau’s booth. Sitting next to us, was character designer and animator Craig Knowles, who hails from Manchester, England. When he wasn’t chatting with CTN attendees, he was sketching away on post-its. Here’s a post-it sketch that he gave me.… Read More »CTN 2013 and 2014: a photo essay

The hunt for David Derks at the Villains of Animation Art Show

I arrived at the opening reception of When Good Toons Go Bad: Villains of Animation Art Show an hour into the event, only to wish I had gotten there sooner. For I had just missed the chance of meeting David Derks, the artist of my favorite piece, “Meowrice Makes his Move on Mewsette,” a Gay Purr-ee tribute. I was talking to Phillip Graffham, the organizer of the event, about how… Read More »The hunt for David Derks at the Villains of Animation Art Show

Coming soon: “When Good Toons Go Bad” Villains of Animation Art Show & Sale

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I will have two pieces in the upcoming When Good Toons Go Bad: Villains of Animation Art Show at Van Eaton Galleries. Some of my co-workers and favorite artists will be participating, including: Mick Cassidy, Alina Chau, Mark Covell, Andreas Deja, Kaya Dzankich, Kali Fontecchio, Jeff Rebner, and Joe Vaux. Opening reception is this Saturday, November 15, from 6 PM – 10 PM. Hope to see you there! For a… Read More »Coming soon: “When Good Toons Go Bad” Villains of Animation Art Show & Sale

Memorial Silent Art Auction for Simon Chung

I will be at the Animation Guild tomorrow night for the Memorial Silent Art Auction for my co-worker Simon Chung, who passed away on the eve of August 8. All proceeds will go to his family. It was a pleasure knowing Simon, who was so full of life in the face of death. He had the cheerfulness of an innocent child, and the stride of a man in charge of… Read More »Memorial Silent Art Auction for Simon Chung

“Family Guy” 5 year anniversary drawings

Five years to the day that I started working on “Family Guy” was a Sunday that I spent drawing gifts for the people whom I felt had a hand in putting me on the show. From my co-worker Mick Cassidy, who put in a good word for me when I applied for the job, to my “phone buddy,” Brei Brantley, whom I would often speak to before being connected to… Read More »“Family Guy” 5 year anniversary drawings

All Outta Bubblegum

The crowd of people congregating outside should have been indication of what lay through the open glass door of Hyaena Gallery. That is, a scene of near-pandemonium reminiscent of my experience browsing through the gift shop of Tokyo Disneyland, so filled to capacity that personal space seemed non-existent, what with people bunched up together like the hydrophilic heads of a cell membrane. This was the start of the opening reception… Read More »All Outta Bubblegum

Risqué {dirty little pictures}

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The above image is of the writing on a black wall that obscures what lies within the Kilsby Gallery of the Long Beach Museum of Art: a series of 8″X10″ artworks that comprise Risqué {dirty little pictures}, the brainchild of artists Nathan Spoor and Jeff McMillan, and LBMA executive director Ron Nelson. I heard about Risqué through a Facebook status update by my co-worker Joe Vaux, one of the show’s… Read More »Risqué {dirty little pictures}

Birthday drawings

Birthday drawings for my friend Kristen and my co-worker Doug, featuring Sailor Jupiter from “Sailor Moon” and Lois Griffin as Yukari Hayasaka from “Paradise Kiss.” Drawn and colored on 4″ X 6″ post-its with blue Prismacolor Col-Erase pencil, sepia Faber-Castell Pitt artist brush pen, and Prismacolor warm grey markers. I posted the drawings to their Facebook pages by snapping photos of them with my iPhone, and applying filters with the… Read More »Birthday drawings