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gallery godo

Sugar Plum Fairy and a shout-out to Leen Isabel

The last drawing event of 2012 at Gallery Godo was on Friday, December 7. The theme was “Sugar Plum Fairy,” with Gallery Girls models Jennifer Patton and Olivia Lopez posing for the night, all done up and donning shimmering fairy costumes. Their makeup artist was present as well, curious to see how people were depicting her handiwork. Among the artists that night were select members of Girls Drawin’ Girls, including… Read More »Sugar Plum Fairy and a shout-out to Leen Isabel

Classic Pin-Ups: Gallery Godo’s final late night drawing event

“Classic Pin-Ups” was the theme at Gallery Godo last Friday night, where I was hit with some bad news, and then good. Bad news: from what I overheard Gallery Girls model Jennifer Patton telling my friend Pierre Bernard, it was Gallery Godo’s final late night drawing event, as the gallery was closing its doors indefinitely. Good news: the late night drawing events will now be held at the Animation Guild,… Read More »Classic Pin-Ups: Gallery Godo’s final late night drawing event