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Happy belated birthday Kristen!

Would SpongeBob SquarePants ever have the hots for someone outside of his own TV series? Apparently so, in this crossover romance birthday drawing, in which our pineapple-dwelling pal is all goo-goo-eyed for Bulma from “Dragon Ball.” I normally don’t support crossover pairings, but I must admit these two don’t look too bad together, and for a friend, I’d make an exception. The lucky recipient is my friend Kristen Berg, who… Read More »Happy belated birthday Kristen!

The origin of vaginas is a bloody one, indeed

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We conclude our series of Fox TV Animation art show posts with the third collaboration between me and Andrew Dowis. To start, it is a popular choice among art show participants to submit fanart of our three shows – that is, “Family Guy,” “American Dad,” and “The Cleveland Show.” The Origins art show was unique in that it forbade the submission of these works, and encouraged participants to submit works… Read More »The origin of vaginas is a bloody one, indeed

Tiny Show

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I’m a fan of Flick user cigcardpix and his collection of vintage trading cards. You may remember him from my Flower Girl #4 entry, in which I referred to one of his Liebig card scans for my piece for the The Art of the Ad show. Ever since that was completed, I had been wanting to do another painting based off one of his cards, but never had the time… Read More »Tiny Show

“Family Guy” meets “Paradise Kiss”

The Winter Charity Art Show of 2010 was the same as the previous year’s with no theme. I was on a “Paradise Kiss” kick at the time, and I thought it would be cool to see Lois as Yukari Hayasaka. So I grabbed an image of the major characters off the net, and put a “Family Guy” spin to it on a 5-inch square piece of animation paper. What a… Read More »“Family Guy” meets “Paradise Kiss”

My failed attempt at a Canete drawing

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The walls of the “American Dad” conference room were plastered with all sorts of freaky things on Friday, May 7, 2010. Perhaps the lack of sleep was causing me to hallucinate skeletons, monsters, and Siamese twin rabbits in places where they shouldn’t be; literally, I did not sleep the night before. Or maybe it was because the Freak Show was going on. My piece was this tribute to “A Dance… Read More »My failed attempt at a Canete drawing

Winter Charity Art Show ’09

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Next in this series of Fox TV Animation art show posts is the comic “Pollock,” formerly titled “Rejected Works of the Masters Comic.” It is the second collaborative effort between me and my friend Andrew Dowis, the first of which can be found here. Back when I was deciding on what to do for the “Works of the Masters” show, I turned to Andrew on the possibility of doing another… Read More »Winter Charity Art Show ’09

Salutations and a blast from the past

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Ever notice how when you wait for everything to be perfect before doing something, you almost always never do it? It happened to me when I opened this website in May last year. I told myself that I would wait until I had designed this space to my liking before sharing it with the rest of the world. I’m sure you can figure out what became of that plan. Truth… Read More »Salutations and a blast from the past

Flower Girl #4

Friday, April 29, saw my sleep-deprived self hanging the above framed painting for the “Family Guy” art show, themed The Art of the Ad. It marked the first time I had completed a traditional painting in over eight years, and the journey was certainly no cakewalk. Painting with acrylics was not as easy as I had remembered, and mistakes were made, bad enough to merit a second trip to Blick… Read More »Flower Girl #4

Something completely different

I heavily debated whether or not to put this up here for a few reasons, one of them being the possibility of scaring my supposed male audience away with its unabashed gayness. But after having my friend Jeremy Polgar parade it around to some of the artists at Titmouse, where it was received with a mix of amusement and obvious confusion, I figured what the hay? Into the blog she… Read More »Something completely different

Draw Off #26: Sexy Ladies

Well, just one sexy lady right now: Orihime from “Bleach.” Drawn and colored in Toon Boom Storyboard Pro. The coloring process was a poor attempt at speed painting within a 30 minute time span. Heh, fat chance! It took me 3 hours to complete, though I’ll have to forgive myself for this; most of that time was spent on experimenting with the software’s limited brush and color palette, as, prior… Read More »Draw Off #26: Sexy Ladies